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Introduction to Switches - Snap-action switches

Technical terms related to the position of a push button (actuator)

(1) Free Position (FP)

State in which a pressing object does not touch the push button

1.Free Position (FP) - 自由位置‐押しボタンに触っていない状態


(2) Operating Position (OP)

Position where the movable contact flips

2.Operating Position (OP) - 動作位置‐可動接点が反転する位置


(3) Total Travel Position (TTP) - Travel Limit Position -

 Position where the push button is pressed to the limit

3.Total Travel Position (TTP) - 動作限度位置 -押しボタンを押し切った状態


 (4) Releasing Position (RP)

Position where the movable contact returns from the Operating Position to the original position

4.Releasing Position (RP) - 戻りの位置‐可動接点が動作位置から元の位置へ戻る位置



Technical terms related to the position of the push button (actuator)



Technical terms related to the movement of the push button (actuator)

(1) Pre-Travel (PT) - Movement from the Free Position to the Operating Position -

Distance covered by the push button from the Free Position to the Operating Position

1.Pre-Travel (PT) - 動作までの動き - Free Position から Operating Position までの移動距離


(2) Over-Travel (OT) - Movement from the Operating Position to the Total Travel Position -

Distance covered by the push button from the Operating Position to the Total Travel Position

2.Over-Travel (OT) - 動作後の動き - Operating Position から Total Travel Position までの移動距離


(3) Total-Travel (TT) - Entire Movement -

Total of 1. Pre-Travel, and 2. Over-Travel 

3.Total Travel (TT) - 全体の動き - 1.Pre-Travel と 2.Over-Travel の合計



(4) Movement Differential (MD) - Differential between the Operating Position and the Release Position -

Movement Differential = Differential between the Operating Position and the Release Position

4.Movement Differential (MD) - 応差の動き‐Operating Position と Releasing Position の差=動作の位置と戻り位置の差


Technical terms related to the movement of the push button (actuator)



Technical terms related to the forces applied to a push button (actuator)

(1) Operating Force (OF) - Force required to operate an actuator -

Force applied to move an actuator (push button) from the Free Position to the Operating Position

1.Operating Force (OF) - 動作に必要な力‐Free Position から Operating Position に動かすのにアクチュエーター(押しボタン)に加える力


(2) Total Travel Force (TF)- Force Required for the Entire Push Button Movement -Required force applied to move an actuator from the Operating Position to the Total Travel Position

2.Total travel Force (TF) - 全体の動きに必要な力‐Operating Position から Total Travel Position まで動かすのに必要なアクチュエーターに加える力


(3) Release Force (RF)- Force Required to Move a Push Button from TTP to RP

Required force applied to move an actuator from the Total Travel Position to the Release Position

3.Releasing Force (RF) - もどりの力‐Total Travel Position から Release Position まで動かすのに必要なアクチュエーターに加える力


Technical terms related to the forces applied to a push button (actuator)




